Privacy Policy
The Personal Data Protection Act 2010 (the “Act”), which regulates the processing of personal data in commercial transactions, applies to Ezze Digital Sdn. Bhd. (“our”, “us” or “we”). For the purpose of this written notice (“Notice”), the terms “personal data”, “sensitive personal data” and “processing” shall have the same meaning as prescribed in the Act.
Akta Perlindungan Data Peribadi 2010 (“Akta” tersebut) yang mengawal selia pemprosesan data peribadi dalam transaksi komersial, terpakai kepada Ezze Healthcare Management Sdn. Bhd. (“kami”). Untuk tujuan notis bertulis ini (“Notis”), terma-terma “data peribadi”, “data peribadi sensitif” dan “pemprosesan” mempunyai maksud yang sama seperti yang ditakrif dalam Akta tersebut.
- This Notice serves to inform you that your personal data is being processed by us or on our behalf when you use our services in relation to the Dr Mommy Baby website (“Site”) and related applications (“Services”).
Notis ini bertujuan untuk memaklumkan kepada anda bahawa data peribadi anda sedang diproses oleh atau bagi pihak kami apabila anda dengan menggunakan perkhidmatan kami yang berkenaan dengan laman web Dr Mommy Baby (“Laman Web”) dan aplikasi-aplikasi yang berkenaan (“Perkhidmatan”).
- Your personal data means any information relating directly or indirectly to you from which you are identified or are identifiable, and includes but is not limited to:
Data peribadi anda bermaksud apa-apa maklumat yang berhubungan secara langsung atau tidak langsung dengan anda, di mana anda dikenal pasti atau boleh dikenal pasti, dan termasuk tetapi tidak terhad kepada:
- Personal details (such as name, age, gender, identity card number, passport number, date of birth, ethnicity, language, nationality);
Butir-butir peribadi (seperti nama, umur, jantina, nombor kad pengenalan, nombor pasport, tarikh lahir, kaum, bahasa, kewarganegaraan);
- Contact details (such as address, email, phone number);
Butir-butir perhubungan (seperti alamat, emel, nombor telefon);
- Social media details (such as Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, LinkedIn);
Butir-butir media social (seperti Facebook, Twitten, Instagram, LinkedIn);
- Employee Identification Details, if applicable (such as Employee ID, Job Grade, Beneficiary Coverage);
Butir-butir pengenalan pekerja, jika terpakai (seperti identiti pekerja, pangkat; perlindungan benefisiari);
- Financial details (such as bank account information);
Maklumat kewangan (seperti maklumat akaun bank);
- Appointment details (such as the doctors, dentists or other healthcare providers (“Healthcare Providers”) you have visited, your reasons for visits, your dates of visit, your appointment history (such as cost of consultation), medical history and other medical and health information;
Butir-butir temujanji (seperti doktor, doktor gigi, atau pemberi jagaan kesihatan lain (“Pemberi Jagaan Kesihatan”) yang telah dilawati oleh anda, alasan untuk lawatan tersebut, tarikh lawatan anda, sejarah temujanji (seperti kos perundingan) sejarah kesihatan dan maklumat perubatan dan kesihatan lain;
- Any additional health, medical or fitness information which is generated in the process of your usage of the Services;
- Apa-apa maklumat tambahan kesihatan, perubatan atau kecergasan yang dihasilkan dalam proses penggunaan Perkhidmatan oleh anda;
- Other information that you voluntarily choose to provide to us such as insurance details and including unique identifiers such as passwords, photos, videos or other information uploaded to or via the Services, and personal data in communications and correspondence emails or letters that you send to us; and
- Maklumat lain yang anda secara rela memilih untuk memberi kami, termasuk pengenalan unik seperti kata laluan, gambar, rakaman atau maklumat lain yang telah dimuatnaik kepada atau melalui Perkhidmatan, dan data peribadi di dalam komunikasi dan surat-menyurat dari emel atau surat yang anda hantar kepada kami; dan
- Additional personal or other information that may be relevant for us in order to provide the Services to you, or to consider your request for any of our other products.
- Maklumat tambahan lain atau peribadi yang mungkin relevan kepada kami untuk memyediakan Perkhidmatan kepada anda, atau mempertimbangkan permintaan anda untuk produk kami yang lain.
- You consent to the processing of your personal data for purposes which include but are not limited to the following:
Anda bersetuju kepada pemprosesan data peribadi anda untuk maksud-maksud berikut yang termasuk tetapi tidak terhad kepada:
- To connect you with the Healthcare Provider that you choose to consult;
Untuk menghubungkan anda kepada Pemberi Jagaan Kesihatan yang anda pilih;
- To identify your location;
Untuk mengenalpasti lokasi anda;
- To serve you;
Untuk melayan anda;
- To provide you with the relevant healthcare services;
Untuk memberikan anda perkhidmatan jagaan kesihatan yang relevan;
- To attend to the relevant transaction if applicable;
Untuk melaksanakan transaksi yang relevant jika terpakai;
- To facilitate our interactions with you;
Untuk memudahkan interaksi kami dengan anda;
- To contact you when necessary or requested, including to remind you of an upcoming appointment;
Untuk menghubungi anda apabila diminta atau ada keperluannya, termasuk untuk mengingatkan anda mengenai suatu temujanji yang akan datang;
- For compliance with legal and regulatory obligations;
Untuk mematuhi apa-apa kehendak undang-undang atau kawal selia;
- To send you electronic announcements and newsletters that we think will interest you;
Untuk menghantar pengumuman elektronik dan surat berita yang berkemungkinan menarik perhatian anda;
- To determine your eligibility, obtaining benefit plan information;
Untuk mengenalpasti kelayakan anda, mendapatkan maklumat mengenai pelan manfaat;
- To perform core operational services (such as hosting, billing, fulfilment, data storage, security, insurance verification, or Site analytics);
Untuk melakukan perkhidmatan teras operasi (seperti hosting, bil, penunaian, penyimpanan data, sekuriti, pengesahan kelayakan, atau analisa Laman Web);
- To enable us to customize our advertising;
Untuk membolehkan kami untuk menyesuaikan pengiklanan kami;
- For internal record keeping;
Bagi penyimpanan rekod dalaman;
- For internal investigations, audit or security purposes;
Bagi penyiasatan dalaman, audit atau maksud-maksud sekuriti;
- For the administration and promotion of any events or activities offered by us, including the promotion of such events or activities in media or other publications;
Untuk mengendalikan atau mempromosikan apa-apa acara atau aktiviti yang ditawarkan oleh kami, termasuk promosi acara atau aktiviti tersebut di media atau penerbitan lain;
- To promote the Services and services provided by our related corporations, business partners, clients and sponsors, including providing you with information about our other services;
Untuk mempromosikan Perkhidmatan tersebut dan perkhidmatan yang disediakan oleh perbadanan berkaitan, rakan niaga, pelanggan atau penaja kami, termasuk memberikan maklumat mengenai perkhidmatan lain kami kepada anda;
- To investigate your complaints;
Untuk menyiasat aduan yang dibuat oleh anda;
- To produce statistical reports, collectively or at individual data level, for corporate reporting, research works and publications;
Untuk menghasilkan laporan statistik, secara kolektif atau tahap data individu, bagi pelaporan korporat, kerja-kerja penyelidikan dan penerbitan;
- To use statistical information that we collect in any way permitted by law, including from third parties in connection with their commercial and marketing efforts;
Untuk menggunakan maklumat statistik yang kami kumpul melalui cara yang dibenarkan oleh undang-undang, termasuk daripada pihak ketiga selaras dengan usaha komersial dan pemasaran mereka;
- For analysis for statistical, profiling or other purposes for us to conduct category analysis, financial analysis, investigate service lapses, and to review, develop and improve the quality of our products and services; and
Bagi analisa statistik, profil atau maksud-maksud lain bagi kami untuk melaksanakan analisa kategori, analisa kewangan, penyiasatan kesilapan di dalam perkhidmatan, dan untuk menilai, memajukan dan menambah baik kualiti produk dan perkhidmatan kami; dan
- Such other purposes directly related to the foregoing (collectively, “Purposes”).
maksud-maksud lain yang berhubungan dengan yang tersebut di atas (secara kolektif, “Maksud-maksud”).
Generally, we handle your personal data for the purposes set out in this Notice. Any one or more of the listed purposes may apply to your personal data, depending on the actual situation. The Purposes above do not purport to be an exhaustive listing, although an effort is made to set out as many salient purposes as may be applicable.
Secara lazimnya, kami mengendalikan data peribadi anda bagi Maksud-maksud yang tersebut di dalam Notis ini. Mana-mana satu atau lebih daripada satu Maksud-maksud boleh terpakai kepada data peribadi anda, bergantung kepada keadaan yang sebenar. Maksud-maksud tersebut di atas adalah tidak merupakan senarai yang lengkap, walaupun suatu usaha telah dibuat untuk menyenaraikan sebanyak yang mungkin maksud-maksud yang terpakai.
It is obligatory for you to provide your personal data to enable us to carry out the abovementioned Purposes, failing which we will not be able to fulfil the Purposes.
Pemberian data peribadi anda adalah wajib untuk membolehkan kami melaksanakan Maksud-maksud di atas, jika tidak, kami tidak boleh mencapai Maksud-maksud tersebut.
- Generally, your personal data was, is being or is to be collected:
Secara lazimnya, data peribadi anda telah, sedang atau akan dikumpulkan:
- When you use the Services’ interactive tools and services, such as searching for Healthcare Providers, searching for available appointments with Healthcare Providers and completing medical history forms prior to Healthcare Provider appointments;
Apabila anda menggunakan peralatan dan perkhidmatan interaktif yang tersedia di dalam Perkhidmatan tersebut, seperti mencari Pemberi Jagaan Kesihatan, mencari temujanji Pemberi Jagaan Kesihatan yang sedia ada dan menyempurnakan borang sejarah perubatan sebelum temujanji dengan Pemberi Jagaan Kesihatan;
- When you voluntarily provide information in free-form text boxes through the Services and through responses to registration forms, surveys, questionnaires and the like;
Apabila anda secara rela memberikan maklumat di dalam borang percuma melalui Perkhidmatan tersebut dan melalui boring pendaftaran, maklum balas, tinjauan, soal selidik dan sebagainya;
- If you download and install certain applications and software we make available, we may receive and collect information transmitted from your computing device for the purpose of providing you the relevant Services, such as information which notifies us know when you are logged on and available to receive update or alert notices;
Jika anda memuat turun dan memasang aplikasi dan perisian tertentu yang disediakan oleh kami, kami boleh menerima dan mengumpul maklumat yang dihantar daripada peranti anda bagi maksud untuk memberikan anda Perkhidmatan yang relevan, seperti maklumat yang memaklumkan kami apabila anda telah log masuk dan sedia untuk menerima notis kemas kini atau amaran;
- If you download our mobile application (“Application”), we may receive information about your location and mobile device;
Jika anda memuat turn aplikasi mobil (“Aplikasi”), kami boleh menerima maklumat mengenai lokasi dan peranti mobil anda;
- When you choose to register or participate in any events, activities, competitions or challenges, or utilize or accept any offers or deals provided and/or organized by us, we will receive any information that you have voluntarily provided throughout the participation or utilization process;
Apabila anda memilih untuk mendaftar atau mengambil bahagian dalam mana-mana acara, aktiviti, pertandingan atau cabaran, atau menggunakan atau menerima tawaran atau ganjaran yang disediakan dan/atau diadakan oleh kami, kami akan menerima maklumat yang anda berikan secara sukarela sepanjang proses penyertaan atau penggunaan tersebut;
- From third parties such as your employer (where applicable), medical providers connected to the Services, or our business partners, clients or sponsors;
Daripada pihak ketiga seperti majikan anda (di mana berkenaan), pembekal perubatan yang berkenaan dengan Perkhidmatan, atau rakan niaga, pelanggan atau penaja kami;
- Through cookies on the Site, and website analytics services and other tracking technology; and
Melalui cookies di dalam Laman Web dan perkhidmatan analisa laman web dan teknologi pengesanan lain;
- When you use the “Contact Us” function on the Site, send us an email or otherwise contact us.
Apabila anda menggunakan fungsi “Hubungi Kami” di dalam Laman, menghantar emel atau menghubungi kami.
- You are responsible for ensuring that the information you provide us is accurate, complete, not misleading and is kept up to date. If you fail to supply us any of your personal data which is not stated as being voluntarily provided to us, we may refuse to process your personal data for any of the Purposes and you will not be able to use the Services.
Anda bertanggungjawab untuk memastikan bahawa maklumat yang anda berikan kami adalah tepat, lengkap, tidak mengelirukan dan terkini. Jika anda gagal untuk memberikan kami data peribadi yang tidak dinyatakan sebagai diberikan secara rela kepada kami, kami tidak boleh memproses data peribadi anda untuk mana-mana Maksud-maksud tersebut dan anda tidak boleh menggunakan Perkhidmatan tersebut.
- We may require your assistance if the personal data relating to other persons is required to process your personal data for the Purposes and you hereby agree to use your best endeavors to assist us when required.
Kami boleh menghendaki bantuan anda jika data peribadi yang berhubungan dengan orang lain dikehendaki untuk memproses data peribadi anda untuk Maksud-maksud tersebut dan anda dengan ini bersetuju untuk menggunakan usaha terbaik anda untuk membantu kami bila dikehendaki.
- Upon your request, you shall have the right to the deletion of your personal data and/or to request access to and to request correction of your personal data and to contact us with any inquiries or complaints in respect of your personal data (including the possible choices and means for limiting the processing of your personal data) through the Site or Application or as follows:
Anda berhak untuk meminta akses kepada dan meminta pembetulan terhadap data peribadi anda dan untuk menghubungi kami tentang apa-apa pertanyaan atau aduan berkenaan dengan data peribadi anda (termasuk pilihan-pilihan dan cara-cara yang mungkin untuk mengehadkan pemprosesan data peribadi anda) melalui Laman Web atau Aplikasi atau seperti berikut:
The Personal Data Protection Officer
Pegawai Perlindungan Data Peribadi
Email address:
Alamat emel:
Telephone no: 03-4266 3686
No. Telefon:
In accordance with the Act:
Tertakluk kepada Akta tersebut:
- We may charge a prescribed fee for processing your request for access or correction, as follows:
Access request for personal data without copy: RM2
Access request for personal data with copy: RM10
Access request for sensitive personal data without copy: RM5
Access request for sensitive personal data with copy: RM30
Kami boleh mengenakan fi yang ditetapkan untuk memproses permintaan mengakses atau pembetulan anda, seperti berikut:
Permohonan akses untuk data peribadi tanpa salinan: RM2
Permohonan akses untuk data peribadi dengan salinan: RM10
Permohonan akses untuk data peribadi sensitif tanpa salinan: RM5
Permohonan akses untuk data peribadi sensitif dengan salinan: RM30
- We may refuse to comply with your request for access or correction to your personal data and if we refuse to comply with such request, we will inform you of our refusal and reason for our refusal.
Kami boleh enggan mematuhi permintaan mengakses atau pembetulan data peribadi anda dan jika kami enggan mematuhi permintaan tersebut, kami akan memaklumkan anda mengenai keengganan tersebut dan sebab-sebab bagi keengganan tersebut melalui notis bertulis.
- We disclose or may disclose your personal data for the Purposes to our related corporations, your employers (where applicable), our business partners and sponsors, our logistics partners, our agents and independent contractors, our service providers, clients, Healthcare Providers, insurance company, governmental departments and/or agencies, regulatory and/or statutory bodies and any such third party requested or authorized by you or as may be required in law.
Kami menzahirkan atau boleh menzahirkan data peribadi anda untuk Maksud-maksud tersebut kepada perbadanan berkaitan kami, majikan anda (di mana terpakai), rakan-rakan perniagaan dan penaja kami, rakan-rakan logistik kami, ejen dan kontraktor bebas kami, pembekal-pembekal perkhidmatan kami, pelanggan kami, Pemberi Jagaan Kesihatan lain, syarikat insurans, jabatan-jabatan dan agensi-agensi kerajaan, badan-badan kawal selia dan / atau berkanun dan dan mana-mana pihak ketiga yang diminta atau dibenarkan oleh anda atau seperti yang boleh dikehendaki oleh undang-undang.
- We may transfer your personal data to a place outside Malaysia for any of the Purposes.
Kami boleh memindahkan data peribadi anda ke sesuatu tempat di luar Malaysia bagi Maksud-maksud tersebut.
- We reserve the right to amend this Notice at any time and will place notice of such amendments on the Site or via any other mode that we view suitable.
Kami berhak untuk meminda Notis ini pada bila-bila masa dan akan memberikan notis mengenai pemindaan tersebut di dalam Laman Web atau melalui cara lain yang kami pertimbangkan adalah sesuai.
- Nothing in this Notice shall limit your rights or our rights under the Act.
Tiada apa-apa dalam Notis ini akan menghadkan hak anda atau hak kami di bawah Akta tersebut.
- In the event of any inconsistency between the English version and any other languages of this Notice, the English version shall prevail over any other languages.
Sekiranya terdapat apa-apa percanggahan antara versi Bahasa Inggeris dan versi-versi bahasa lain Notis ini, versi Bahasa Inggeris akan mengatasi versi-versi bahasa lain.
Thank you for using our payment gateway/e-wallet. We take the privacy of your personal and financial information very seriously and are committed to protecting it. Please read this Policy carefully to understand how we collect, use, and share your information.
Information We Collect
We collect the following types of information from you when you use our website/apps:
- Personal information: We may collect your name, email address, phone number, and other contact information when you create an account or contact us.
- Financial information: We may collect your credit card or debit card information when you make a payment on our website/apps. We also collect information about your e-wallet account if you choose to use it for payment.
- Transaction information: We collect information about the transactions you make on our website/apps, including the items purchased and the amount paid.
Device and usage information: We collect information about the device you use to access our website/apps, including the IP address, browser type, and operating system. We also collect information about your usage of our website/apps, including the pages you visit and the actions you take.
How We Use Your Information
We use your information for the following purposes:
- To process your payments: We use your financial and transaction information to process the payments you make on our website/apps.
- To provide customer service: We use your personal and transaction information to respond to your inquiries and resolve any issues you may have with your purchases.
- To improve our website/apps: We use your device and usage information to understand how you use our website/apps and to identify areas for improvement.
- To communicate with you: We may use your contact information to send you updates about our website, apps or promotions.
Sharing Your Information
We may share your information with third parties for the following purposes:
- Payment processing: We may share your financial and transaction information with payment processors to facilitate the payments you make on our website/apps.
- Marketing: We may share your contact information with third parties for marketing purposes, but only with your consent.
Legal compliance: We may be required to share your information with government agencies or other third parties in order to comply with legal obligations.
Payment Methods
We accept e-wallets, credit cards, and debit cards for payment on our website/apps. Please note that all transactions are subject to the terms and conditions of the payment provider you choose to use. We are not responsible for any errors or issues that may occur with the payment provider.
All transactions are final and non-refundable. If you experience any issues with your purchase/payment, please contact us immediately.
We take the security of your information very seriously and have implemented industry-standard encryption techniques to protect it. However, we cannot guarantee the security of your information, and you acknowledge that you use our website or apps at your own risk.
Changes to This Policy
We reserve the right to change this Policy at any time. Any changes will be effective immediately upon posting. Please review this Policy regularly to ensure you are aware of any changes.
Contact Us
If you have any questions or concerns about this Payment Gateway Website/E-Wallet Policy or our handling of your information, please contact us at